Managing News

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Managing News

The News section is a great way to keep app users informed. Whether you’re using it as a blog, to make announcements or simply share content, this section is a great marketing tool.

On the left hand menu, click “Content Management” > News

To create a news article, click on the blue + sign in the top right corner.

To later edit your saved news article, click the blue button under Action.

Creating a news article is a breeze.

Add content to the following:

Title- Grab their attention! Make sure that your title is catchy.

Description- Add copy and images to describe your news article.

Categories- Categorize your news by Announcements, Industry News, or Specials.

Location- Select place that corresponds to the news article from drop down.

Main Image- Select an image that really enhances and promotes your news article. (Format: .jpeg, .png.)

Click Save and Close on the bottom left to save news article.

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