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Adding a Menu Link
One of the latest features is the Menu Link. This gives local businesses a chance to share their menu with app users. This link can be changed as often as the menu changes.
Log into your Location Portal with your username (email address) and password.
On the left hand menu, under “Content Management”, select “Locations”

This will take you to the Locations Dashboard. To edit an existing location, click the blue pencil icon.

You will find the Menu field on the right hand side, towards the bottom of the page.
Add the link and click Save and Close.
This change will be automatic. You can open the app to see the new Menu Tab appear!
Helpful Tips and Tricks:
PDF links can be added, but we recommend avoiding them if your menu changes frequently. This is because the title of the URL contains the name of the PDF, and if you change the PDF frequently, you’ll need to remember to log in and change the link on your location portal.