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Adjusting User Points
Adjusting app user points can be managed simply by accessing App User Management > Contacts.
This grid view is all of the users who have downloaded and created an account in your app. To modify a user’s points, simply search for the name or the email address of the user and click their email address.

Manually Adjusting Points
To view or adjust the user’s points, click on the Passport Stamp tab. You will see the new “Adjust Points” button on the right. Click the button to:
- Manually Add Points – Add a positive value to the Adjust Points field (example: 50)
- Manually Subtract Points – Add a negative number to the Adjust Points field (example: -50)
Be sure to add a note! This is a helpful reminder to know why the change was made and who made it. Click Save. You’ll see your new manual adjustment as a line item in the grid, the user’s points will have manually adjusted and there will be new icons in the action column:
- Comment icon: Allows you to view/edit the comment
- Delete Icon: Click this if you’d like to delete your entry. This action cannot be undone.
Adding Location Based Stamps
If you’d like to add or remove a location based stamp, the process is simple! Click on “Adjust Points” and select “Add Passport Stamp”. You can search by using the search field, or simply scroll to your desired event. Once you select the location (or passport event), the Point field will auto-populate. This population is based upon your passport settings and cannot be changed. Add a note as desired and click Save. The points and stamp are now visible in the app user’s passport “Visited” section. To delete a Location Based stamp, simply click the X in the action column to delete the stamp. This will remove the location/point from the app user’s Passport Visited section.

Important Notes: The Passport Stamp list is generated by all active/published locations and events in the “Passport Event List”. If an event is expired or drafted, it will not appear in this list.